

Dear participants,


A pdf version of the symposium’s program (including Abstracts) is available on this link. Once again, we would like to thank you for the high quality of the works presented and for your pleasant company. We hope you enjoyed your stay in Seville.


See you in future congresses. We wish you a happy summer.


Best regards,

The Organizing Committee


Confirmed Keynote speakers:

  • Marino Arroyo, UPC (Spain).
  • Stéphane Avril, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne (France).
  • Alessandra Cambi, Radboud University (The Netherlands).
  • Guillaume Charras, University College London (UK).
  • Ovijit Chaudhuri, Stanford (USA).
  • Christian J. Cyron, TU Hamburg (Germany).
  • Xiaoyun Ding, University of Colorado Boulder (USA).
  • Dennis Discher, University of Pennsylvania (USA).
  • Ben Fabry, Univ Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany).
  • Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, TU Dresden (Germany).
  • Guy Genin, Washington University St. Louis (USA).
  • Héctor Gómez, Purdue University (USA).
  • Sandra Loerakker, TU Eindhoven (The Netherlands).
  • Patrick McGarry, NUI Galway (Ireland).
  • Debora Monego, Uni-Heidelberg (Germany).
  • Corey Neu, University of Colorado Boulder (USA).
  • José A. Sanz-Herrera, University of Seville (Spain).
  • Ulrich Schwarz, Heidelberg University (Germany).
  • Vivek Shenoy, University of Pennsylvania (USA).
  • Bart Smeets, KU Leuven (Belgium).
  • Hans Van Oosterwyck, KU Leuven (Belgium).     





IUTAM 2024

Theoretical and numerical developments in cellular mechanobiology

3 - 5 June 2024

Seville, Spain

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to attend “Theoretical and numerical developments in cellular mechanobiology”, an international symposium supported by IUTAM and organized by the University of Seville (Spain). The symposium will be held on June 3 – 5, 2024 in Seville. In this symposium, world-renowned experts will review state-of-the-art theoretical and numerical methods as well as experimental methods in cellular mechanobiologyThe event will be an excellent opportunity for researchers to discuss open problems and questions in mechanobiology, to share novel methods, findings and views, and to create synergies between theory, computations and experiments. We strongly believe that such synergies are needed to advance our understanding on fundamental mechanobiological mechanisms that govern cell and tissue behaviour in health and disease.    

Looking forward to meet you in Seville.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee


José A. Sanz-Herrera. University of Seville, Seville, Spain.

Hans Van Oosterwyck. KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.


Conference secretariat: iutam24@us.es