Conference programme

You can check the meeting programme below or download a pdf version of it clicking here.


Programme Scheme: 

Programme X Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Time Wednesday 16/10 Thursday 17/10 Friday 18/10
08:30 Registration     
  Welcome (8:50)    
09:00 Invited I (9:00) Invited I (9:00) Invited I (9:00)
09:30 Invited II (9:30) Invited II (9:30) Invited II (9:30)
10:00 Talk I (10:00) Talk I (10:00) Talk I (10:00)
  Talk II (10:20) Talk II (10:20) Talk II (10:20)
  Blitz Session (3x) (10:40) Blitz Session (3x) (10:40) Blitz Session (3x) (10:40)
11:00 Coffee break (11:00-11:30) Coffee break (11:00-11:30) Coffee break (11:00-11:30)
11:30 Invited III (11:30) Invited III (11:30) Invited III (11:30)
12:00 Talk III (12:00) Talk IV (12:00) Invited IV (12:00)
  Talk IV (12:20) Talk V (12:20)
12:30 Discussion Session (12:30-13:10)
  Talk V (12:40) Talk V (12:40)
13:00 Lunch (13:00-14:30) Lunch (13:00-14:30)
  Lunch (13:10 - 14:30)
14:30 Blitz Session (4x) (14:30-14:50) Blitz Session (3x) (14:30-14:50) Blitz Session (3x) (14:30-14:50)
  Invited IV (14:50) Invited IV (14:50) Talk III (14:50)
  Talk IV (15:10)
  Talk VI (15:20) Talk VI (15:20)
15:30 Talk V (15:30)
  Talk VII (15:40) Talk VII (15:40)
  Talk VI (15:50)
16:00 Discussion Session (16:00-16:40) Invited V (16:00)
  Talk VII (16:10)
16:30 Coffee break (16:30-17:00) Closing Remarks 16:30
  Coffee break (16:40-17:10)  
17:00 Workshop on Communication Skills (17:00-19:00)  
  Invited V (17:10)  
  Talk VIII (17:40)  
18:00 Talk IX (18:00)  
  Talk X (18:20)  
19:00 Outreach Talk at Casa de la Ciencia 19:00 - 20:00    
21:00   Social Dinner  



Wednesday 16/10


8:30 – 8:50: Registration


8:50 – 9:00: Welcome




Session I (Chair: Belén Barreiro)


9:00 – 9:30: Invited Marta Spinelli - Late-time cosmology with the SKA Observatory


9:30 – 10:00: Invited Carlo Baccigalupi CMB - LSS Probe Combination in Cosmology


10:00 – 10:20: Mathieu Remazeilles - Mapping the Hot Gas in the Universe with the LiteBIRD Mission


10:20 – 10:40: Marcos Cruz - Unexplained Correlation between Cosmic Microwave Background and Local Matter Density Field




Short I (Chair: Jose Oñorbe)


10:40 – 10:45: David Vallés Pérez - Cosmic accretion shocks as a tool to measure the mass of galaxy clusters


10:45 – 10:50: Alice Moyer-Anin - The SZ-Mass scaling relation of the NIKA2 SZ large Program: Analysis, systematics effects and cosmological applications


10:50 – 10:55: Manuel F. Ruiz-Herrera Bernal - The effect of galaxies in absorption and metals in Lyman-alpha forest BAO measurements


10:55 – 11:00:


11:00 – 11:30: Coffee Break




Session II (Chair: Carlo Baccigalupi)


11:30 – 12:00: Invited Antonio L. Maroto - Symmetries of the dark sector


12:00 – 12:20: Carlos García Boiza - Speeding up the Universe through an axion-like field


12:20 – 12:40: Mathew Galloway - Cosmoglobe DR2: Improved full-sky detection of the CIB from end-to-end reanalysis of COBE-DIRBE


12:40 – 13:00: Javier de Cruz Pérez - Tensions and anomalies in cosmology




13:00 – 14:30: Lunch break




Short II (Chair: Mathieu Remazeilles)


14:30 – 14:35: Elisa Fazzari - f(R)-gravity and non-equilibrium physics in the Late Universe versus the Hubble tension attenuation


14:35 – 14:40: Emanuele Fondi - Taming assembly bias for primordial non-Gaussianity


14:40 – 14:45: Salvatore S. Sirletti - Third-order corrections in the slow-roll expansion for single-field inflationary models


14:45 – 14:50: Beatriz Ruiz-Granados - Information measurements for characterizing CMB spectral distortions




Session III (Chair: Santiago Ávila)


14:50 – 15:20: Invited Sarah Bosman - Reionisation: a broad perspective


15:20 – 15:40: Balu Sreedhar - Hydrogen in the first billion years: Simulating the epoch of reionisation


15:40 – 16:00: Marc Manera - Gravitational redshifts with DESI and other surveys.




16:00 – 16:40: DISCUSSION: Tensions and Systematics. Guadalupe Cañas Herrera , Carlos Garcia Garcia and Tamara Davis.




16:40 – 17:10: Coffee Break




Session IV (Chair: Violeta Gonzalez Pérez)


17:10 – 17:40: Invited Santiago Arribas Mocoroa - The high redshift galaxies observed by JWST


17:40 – 18:00: Jean-Luc Starck - Weak Lensing High Order Statistics


18:00 – 18:20: Jorge Peñarrubia - Capture of stars by dark subhaloes


18:20 – 18:40: David Martinez-Delgado – Stellar Tidal Streams as Cosmological Diagnostic




19:00 – 20:00: Outreach Talk at Casa de la Ciencia




Thursday 17/10


Session V (Chair: Enrique Martínez)


9:00 – 9:30: Invited Pauline Zarrouk - DESI DR1 results


9:30 – 10:00: Invited Judit Prat Marti – TBD (DES)


10:00 – 10:20: Tamara Davis - Final supernova cosmology results with the dark energy survey (DES)


10:20 – 10:40: Santiago Avila - The Dark Energy Survey: a precise BAO measurement from the final dataset




Short III (Chair: Carles Sánchez Alonso)
10:40 – 10:45: Silvan Fischbacher - Simulation-based inference of galaxy population models for photometric redshift estimation


10:45 – 10:50: Marcos M. Cueli - Toward the measurement of neutrino masses via cosmic magnification on submillimeter galaxies


10:50 – 10:55: Sara Rodríguez Cabo - Neural Network for CMB polarisation recovery


10:55 – 11:00:


11:00 – 11:30: Coffee Break




Session VI (Chair: Mariam Bouhmadi)


11:30 – 12:00: Invited Guadalupe Cañas Herrera - Overview of the Euclid mission


12:00 – 12:20: Nicola Deiosso - Cosmological Constraints from Simulations and Observational Data Combinations with DESI DR1


12:20 – 12:40: Adriana Nadal Matosas - Testing the robustness of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the presence of massive neutrinos


12:40 – 13:00: Rebeca Fernández Fernández - Cosmic insights from galaxy clusters: Exploring magnification bias on sub-millimetre galaxies




13:00 – 14:30: Lunch break




Short IV (Chair: José Ramón Bermejo Climent)


14:30 – 14:35: Adrian Gutiérrez Adame - PNG-UNITsims: Halo clustering response to primordial non-Gaussianities as a function of mass


14:35 – 14:40: Juan Alberto Cano Díez - Study of the physical properties of strong gravitational lens candidates in the sub-mm through SED analysis


14:40 – 14:45: Jose Luis Bernal - On the contributions of extragalactic CO emission lines to ground-based CMB observations


14:45 – 14:50:




Session VII (Chair: Doris Stoppacher)


14:50 – 15:20: Invited Violeta González Pérez - How much does the galaxy-halo connection matters in a cosmological context?


15:20 – 15:40:  Sara Ortega-Martinez - Investigating the halo-galaxy connection of ELGs in the DESI survey using the Subhalo Abundance Matching-extended (SHAMe-SF) model galaxy clustering


15:40 – 16:00: Elena Fernández García - Constraining cosmological parameters using void statistics from the SDSS survey




Session VIII (Chair: Alberto Domínguez)


16:00 – 16:30: Invited Javier Antonio Olmedo Nieto - From Big Bang to (anisotropic) Big Bounce: new insights from the early universe




16:30 – 17:00: Coffee Break




17:00 – 19:00:  Workshop on Communication Skills




Friday 18/10


Session IX (Chair: Mar Bastero Gil)


9:00 – 9:30: Invited Angelo Ricciardone Probing Early and Late Universe Cosmology with Gravitational Waves


9:30 – 10:00: Invited Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde - Gamma-ray dark matter searches circa 2024: status and future


10:00 – 10:20: Chiara De Leo - Constraining Cosmology with Large Scale Structure and Gravitational Waves


10:20 – 10:40: Carles Sánchez Alonso - Inverse Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing: Magnification, Intrinsic Alignments and Cosmology




Short V (Chair: Beatriz Ruiz-Granados)


10:40 – 10:45: Christian Gimeno Amo - Studying the statistical isotropy of the universe with Planck Data Release 4


10:45 – 10:50: Debabrata Adak - A model-independent method to estimate synchrotron spectral index map


10:50 – 10:55: Jose Ramón Bermejo Climent - Primordial non-Gaussianity measurements from the Quaia catalog using angular redshift fluctuations: a new cosmological observable


10:55 – 11:00:


11:00 – 11:30: Coffee Break




Session X (Javier Antonio Olmedo Nieto)


11:30 – 12:00: Invited Jesús Torrado Cacho - Advances in Cosmological inference with Machine-learning and automatic-differentiation


12:00 – 12:30: Invited Tomasz Kacprzak – TBD (AI & COSMOLOGY)




12:30 – 13:10: DISCUSSION: Emulators and AI in Cosmology. Tomasz Kacprzak, Boris Leistedt and Jesús Torrado.




13:10 – 14:30: Lunch break




Short VI (Chair: Judit Prat)


14:30 – 14:35: Sergi Novell Masot - LSS cosmology with the Bispectrum


14:35 – 14:40: Sefa Pamuk - Euclid constraints for f(R) Hu-Sawiki models


14:40 – 14:45: Tommaso Moretti - Inflationary parity-violating scalar trispectrum


14:45 – 14:50:




Session XI (Chair: Pauline Zarrouk)


14:50 – 15:10: Jacobo Asorey Barreiro - Update on cosmological tensions from the most recent datasets from early and late Universe probes


15:10 – 15:30: Martín Rodríguez Monroy - Treating observational systematics for LSS in photometric surveys


15:40 – 15:50: Tristan Hoellinger - Novel methods for Bayesian implicit likelihood inference in cosmology


15:50 – 16:10: Anna Porredon - Impact of photo-z uncertainties on the Euclid DR1 joint analysis of weak lensing and photometric


16:10 – 16:30: Mar Pérez Sar - Angular Redshift Fluctuations: A Window into Cosmic Voids




16:30 – 16:40: Closing remarks